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18 de November 2013

The changing colours of autumn can be a spectacular sight in many parts of Spain. As green gives way to shades of red, orange and yellow, the once verdant Spanish landscape becomes awash with fiery beauty.

For fans of the autumn season, there are many forests throughout the Iberian Peninsula not far from Parador luxury hotels where you can watch the leaves turn, including Soto de Sajambre, Castañar de El Tiemblo and Hayedo de Montejo.


18 de November 2013

Galicia, home to several Parador luxury hotels, is a scenic region known for its coastal views, delicious seafood, and Celtic heritage. Its rainy climate lends the region a lush, green landscape much different than the sprawling, sun-baked land found in the south of Spain.

18 de November 2013

Besides stunning locations and world-class service, Paradores also treat their guests to something not often found in other luxury hotels in Spain: vegetable gardening. From the tropical Canary Islands and sun-kissed Andalusia in the south, to the mountainous Basque Country in the north, many Paradores have their own gardens that grow fresh fruits and vegetables, which guests can enjoy in the hotel restaurants.

18 de November 2013

This winter, why not escape the cold, dreary weather on a Christmas holiday in Spain with luxury hotel chain Paradores? Not only do many parts of Spain enjoy warm, mild weather during the winter months, but this lively country is also rich in holiday traditions that will surely make your holiday season a memorable one.

18 de November 2013

The New Year's holidays in Spain is a magical time celebrated with great gusto. To mark the occasion, luxury hotel chain Paradores is offering special packages that include a banquet of traditional Spanish cuisine along with music and dance to start the New Year right.

For a glimpse of Spain at its liveliest, why not plan a getaway with Paradores and ring in the New Year Spanish-style?

18 de November 2013

A trip to Córdoba, an ancient city in the sun-baked Spanish region of Andalusia, is a trip through the ages. The city has served as the crossroads of Spanish history, and among the narrow, whitewashed streets of modern Córdoba, visitors will find Roman ruins and Moorish architecture left behind by the past rulers of Spain.

18 de November 2013

As the days grow shorter and the weather turns colder, is there anything better than spending a relaxing evening next to a warm fire? A fireplace makes the perfect setting for reading a good book, enjoying a cup of tea or chatting with your loved ones.

18 de November 2013

The winter weather on New Year's Eve may be frightful elsewhere, but in Spain's Canary Islands it's always delightful! The Spanish archipelago just off the coast of northwest Africa boasts year-round tropical breezes, with temperatures averaging 21ºC even in December.

Instead of shivering your way into 2014, why not opt for a warmer start to the New Year with a sunny holiday in Spain at one of Paradores many luxury hotels on the islands?

18 de November 2013

Old and new, exotic and familiar, North and South. Melilla, the stunning Spanish city in North Africa along the Mediterranean, has it all.

18 de November 2013

Part of the thrill of staying in a historic hotel is thinking about all of the people who have stayed there throughout the centuries...and those who may still be lurking about!

Some of Paradores' luxury hotels in Spain are said to be haunted, and with such rich history and comfortable accommodation, it's no wonder that some ghostly guests have decided never to leave!

18 de November 2013

Migas, or fried breadcrumbs, are a hallmark of Spanish cuisine and a standard winter meal, so much so that several cities have their own gastronomic routes celebrating this traditional peasant food. Give your taste buds a treat and sample this dish from the comfort of Paradores' luxury hotels in Toledo, Alcalá and Albacete, three cities famous for this delicacy.

18 de November 2013

As 2013 draws to a close, why not toast the year that's gone by in unrivalled comfort with luxury hotel chain Paradores? Enjoy delicious Spanish cuisine and lively music with a New Year's Eve escape at the Paradores in Granada, Nerja, Málaga or El Saler.

Greet the New Year like royalty

Want to give 2013 a royal send-off? Celebrate the holiday at Parador Granada, located within the iconic Alhambra compound with unbelievable views of the Generalife Palace and the Sierra Nevada mountains.

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