
Frequently asked questions

Solve all your doubts before and during your trip
Amigos de Paradores - FAQs

Amigos de Paradores Programme

Do you have any questions regarding the Amigos Programme? 

Answers to all questions regarding the Amigos Programme, registration, access, points, breakfast voucher, etc., can be found at this link. For any questions or additional information, please contact [email protected] or call 91 374 26 00.


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  • Where can I make a booking? Where can I find information on availability and available prices?

    • You can check availability and make bookings through our website, contact the Parador directly, with our Bookings Centre: [email protected] - Telephone: 91 374 25 00, or through your usual Travel Agency.

  • Where do I request cancellation or change of a booking?

    • Any cancellation or change of a booking must be made by the same means by which it was confirmed. For bookings made thorugh our website; through the Central Booking Centre, at [email protected] – Telephone: 91 374 25 00; or if the booking was made directly at a Parador, you can contact the establishment directly. If the booking was made through a travel agency or online booking portal, the cancellation or change must be requested directly from that entity.
  • How can I book a room for more than 3 people?

    • Contact directly the Parador where you are interested in making a booking, so that they can inform you about the available options.
  • What is the cancellation/change policy? 

    • The cancellation period is specified in the booking confirmation. As a general rule, bookings can be cancelled or changed more than 2 days before the date of arrival (counting from 00.00 hours on that day), but there are Paradores where / dates on which these deadlines are longer. It is advisable to check directly with the Parador or at our Bookings Centre: [email protected] – Telephone: 91 374 25 00.
    • These conditions do not apply if the booking has other conditions, such as the EARLY BOOKING rate.
  • I have an Early Booking, can I change or cancel it?

    • No, as stated in the conditions, this fee is non-refundable and non-cancellable.
  • Where can I find the best available rate? 

    • You can check the price of a stay by going to, Bookings section, and by selecting a Parador and specific dates, the system will show you the different rates available for that period, and you can select the one that suits you best. If you are an Amigo de Paradores, you must log in as Amigo beforehand in order to access the special rates for Amigos.
  • My company has a group agreement with Paradores, how can I book with my special price?

    • If you belong to a group that has an agreement with Paradores, you can make your booking, with the promotional code you have been given, through our website, through Bookings: [email protected] – Telephone: 91 374 25 00 or directly at the Parador.


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Cajas Regalo Paradores - FAQs

Gift Boxes


  • How can I reserve a gift box?

  • When does a gift box expire? 

  • Where can I find out how to purchase and send gift boxes?

  • How can I extend the validity of a gift box? 

    • Gift boxes are non-extendable, non-exchangeable and non-refundable.


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Paradores Routes

Where can I find information about Parador routes?

You can find this information at this link.


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Rutas de Paradores - FAQs
Piscinas de Paradores - FAQs

Swimming pools

Where can I find information about the opening and closing dates of swimming pools?

All our outdoor pools are seasonal and have different conditions depending on the Parador. 

You can check the planned opening dates here.


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Travelling with children


  • Is the extra bed free for children?

    • Yes, children up to 12 years old stay free of charge in an extra bed, except on certain dates (such as Easter, summer, ski season...), when a discount will be applied on the price of the adult extra bed.

  • Are cots free of charge?

    • Yes, up to 2 years old cots are free of charge, subject to availability.
  • How much does breakfast for children cost?

    • Children up to 12 years old get a 50% discount on the adult breakfast price.
  • Are there children's menus? 

    • Yes, there are menus for children, as well as different options for allergy sufferers and coeliacs.


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Recarga tu coche eléctrico en Paradores - FAQs

Recharge your electric car

At which Paradores can I charge my electric car?

All information about our charging points for electric vehicles can be found here.

For more information, please contact the Parador directly.


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Travelling with Pets

Which Paradores allow pets and under what conditions? 

You can consult this information in this link.

Booking at a Parador with a pet can currently only be arranged directly with the Parador and not via other booking channels.


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 Viajar con mascotas en Paradores - FAQs
Golf en Paradores - FAQs


Where can I find information about golf at Paradores?

You can obtain this information via this link.


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Spa and Wellness

Where can I find information about Paradores spas?

You can obtain this information via this link.


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Spa y Wellness en Paradores - FAQs
Aparca tu coche en Paradores - FAQs

Parking / Garage

Is parking free of charge?

No, there is an additional cost for parking that varies depending on each Parador. Please contact the establishment directly.


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Información sobre facturas - FAQs


How can I request a copy of my invoice?

If the invoice is for a service offered by a Parador, you should contact the establishment directly.

If it is for the purchase of a gift box, please send your request to: [email protected].


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Trabaja en Paradores - FAQs

Working at Paradores

How can I send my CV to apply for a job at Paradores?

You can attach your CV here.


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Parador de Cuenca - FAQs

Other topics


  • Who can I contact to sell a property to Paradores?

    • Paradores de Turismo de España S.M.E S.A. is in charge of the management of the State tourist establishments (Paradores), but does not decide on new openings. This is a matter for the tourism management body TURESPAÑA, so in this case applications should be addressed to: TURESPAÑA - Calle del Poeta Joan Maragall, 41, 28020 Madrid-

  • How can I file a complaint or claim?

    • You can email us at [email protected] or send a letter to: C/ José Abascal, 2-4, 6° 28003 Madrid.


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Formulario de contacto de Paradores
Contact Paradores

Have we not been able to resolve your query?

If you do not find what you are looking for on this page, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help you.