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27 de October 2015

Have you ever heard of Laguardia? Or maybe have you ever heard of La Rioja Alavesa? If you haven't, then you should pay attention. In the south of Álava, in the Basque country, there is an old city whose name is Laguardia. It is placed in the region known as la Rioja Alavesa.

26 de October 2015

An extraordinary building, elegantly ancient. The jewel of Galician Renaissance architecture. The oldest hotel in Europe stays vigilant in Praza Do Obradoiro in Santiago de Compostela, right next to Santiago's Cathedral, where all the pilgrims and itinerants from The Way of Saint James look forward to reach.

23 de October 2015

The National Prado Museum is one of the most famous artistic centres in the capital city of Spain, and quite well-known in the world. It is definitely a must in your visit to Madrid as its works and all the History that holds are part of general knowledge and culture. Right in the Paseo del Prado, this elegant building comes into sight of the people walking along the way.

20 de October 2015

Bielsa, a little village in the Sobrarbe region, in Huesca, awaits you. This beautiful natural spot is surrounded by the water flow of the Cinca River and the Barrosa River. A mountain place coloured in green where just some kilometres away welcomes France.

19 de October 2015

The Guadiana river flows under the bridge and connects Spain with its neighbour, Portugal. Fresh soft air filled with humidity runs over the Andalusian white historical centre of Ayamonte. This quiet fishermen village occupies a plain territory so close to the Atlantic Ocean. In the highest part of it, up in the mount of Guadiana, we find the lovely Parador de Ayamonte.

16 de October 2015

Did you know that in Spain Autumn is the season for mushrooms to bloom and people to go pick them up? It's quite common for Spanish people to go during the weekend to some forests around where to find some nice eatable mushrooms. The areas of Madrid, Soria, Vizcaya and Navarra are common places for it.

15 de October 2015

The Canary Islands are just perfect. It is not only because of the beauty of them, because of the variety of nature you can find or because of their paradisiac beaches and lovely people. All of this makes them be so much special, but they have a key point: the good weather. It does not matter the day, the season or the month, but the Canary Islands can boast of having such a nice and warm weather all year long.

14 de October 2015

Winter is almost here, let's enjoy this season as much as possible. Travelling in winter has its charm, and Spain is a great place to do it. We have plenty of places to go and make the best of the season. You can enjoy the soft weather of the Mediterranean coast or the Canary Islands, or maybe go skiing on the Pyrenees, or doing rural tourism in the inland. We have selected 10 ideal destinations where our Paradores are that will let you discover and enjoy Spain in winter. Let's go for them!

13 de October 2015

Castilla y León is universally recognised by its unique cities. They are all so genuine and pure, and they keep their own history inside every stone, wall and buildings. One of the things they all have in common is the magnificence of their Cathedrals. All these cathedrals have become the representative symbol of them, being an architectonical and historical gift. Paradores wants you to enjoy the beauty of this impressive constructions, and that's why we have one Parador either inside the city or close to it.

08 de October 2015

Travelling from Madrid to León is now easier than ever. We feel very happy and proud of Spanish Transportation Net to warmly welcome the new Spanish High Speed Rail (AVE) going from Madrid to León and back. Now those two cities are closer and it's the moment to visit the city of León and stay at our Parador de León.

06 de October 2015

As summer turns to autumn in Spain, visitors to the Iberian Peninsula might be less inclined to bathe in the cold waters of the sea and instead may fancy a warm, relaxing bath! As luck would have it, Spain is home to several public Arab baths, thanks to the legacy left behind by the Moors who occupied the country for eight centuries.

02 de October 2015

Does Galicia sound familiar to you? What does it remind you of? Atlantic Ocean? Fishermen? Rain? Nature? Galicia has a something no-one can explain, but it makes everyone fall in love with what goes on there. Even if people complain because of the all-year-long rain, people still love to spend some time around this northern region.

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