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19 de November 2013

The battle was bloody and lasted for days, but when the smoke cleared over the Andalusian plain, it was clear that Napoleon Bonaparte's supposedly unbeatable troops were retreating, defeated by the scrappy Spanish army. Such was the scene in 1808 in the area surrounding the tiny Spanish village of Bailén, and today this turning point in Spain's War of Independence continues to be commemorated in an annual historical re-enactment.

19 de November 2013

Whales have captivated our imaginations for centuries with their size, grace and intelligence, and so it is no surprise that many people brave sea winds and rocking boats to catch a glimpse of these majestic creatures in their natural habitat. Whale watching has become a popular activity for those who want a chance to get up close to some of the world's largest animals.

19 de November 2013

The Canal of Castile, or Canal de Castilla in Spanish, is one of the largest and one of the few man-made water channels in all of Spain. The wide waterway carves a Y-shaped path through the region of Castile and León in the north of Spain, stretching 207 kilometres and passing through more than three dozen towns and cities, including locations near luxury hotel Parador Cervera de Pisuerga.

19 de November 2013

Even centuries before the development of mobile phones, the inhabitants of the island of La Gomera, part of Spain's Canary Islands, were able to communicate with each other from mountain peak to mountain peak, "speaking" across deep ravines and wide valleys.

19 de November 2013

In the age of knights and castles when Christians and Muslims fought over the land we now know as Spain, one figure still stands out above the rest: the skilled military commander known as El Cid. Castilian nobleman Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, more commonly referred to as El Cid, is considered a national hero in Spain for his prowess on the battlefield in the 11th century during the Spanish Reconquista.

19 de November 2013

Seafood is always on the menu in the small Spanish city of O Grove along the Atlantic coast. Nicknamed the "paradise of seafood", the city's economy relies heavily on tourism and fishing, so with this in mind, the people of O Grove throw a seafood festival every October to celebrate the very best of Galician cuisine.

19 de November 2013

The centuries-old castle and fortress that is now home to Parador Cardona in Catalonia has seen more than its fair share of suffering over the course of Spanish history. Built in 886, making it one of the oldest of Paradores luxury hotels in Spain, the 62,000-square meter building has borne witness to bloody war and brutal conflict, feeding many of the legends and ghost stories associated with the Parador today.

19 de November 2013

We may be in the midst of autumn, but the season of freezing rain, cold wind, and snow is just around the corner. While many parts of Spain do experience brisk winter weather, there are certain areas of the country that provide an escape from the dreary cold, with sunny skies and warm sea breezes year-round.

19 de November 2013

One of the best parts about travelling is discovering new customs and traditions. In Spain, with its rich culture, history, and cuisine, you are sure to do just that! From the late lunches and dinners to the kiss-kiss greetings, you will notice some surprising cultural differences on your Spanish holiday. We've compiled a list of 10 Spanish customs that guests often notice during their stay at one of Paradores many luxury hotels in Spain.


19 de November 2013

The Bajo Aragón Turolense region is one of Spain's best-kept secrets, a land of lush valleys and enormous mountains topped by ancient castles. The most stunning of these is located in Alcañiz, and today is the home of Parador Alcañiz. This majestic fortress, which boasts commanding views of the surrounding landscape, offers guests a taste of Aragonese culture with an exquisite menu of regional Spanish cuisine.

18 de November 2013

Far from the hustle and bustle of Madrid and Barcelona lies the region of Navarre at the lush green foothills of the Pyrenees mountains. Where this rocky terrain and the rich Riojan plains meet sits the charming medieval city of Estella-Lizarra - located only a short distance from nearby luxury hotel Parador Olite - which celebrates its annual San Andrés Fair each autumn.

18 de November 2013

Spain's Castile-La Mancha region — made famous by Miguel de Cervantes' masterpiece Don Quixote — is the proud home of Manchego cheese. Manchego, easily the most well known Spanish cheese throughout the world, is beloved for its rich, buttery taste and compact consistency.

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