Dear friends,
As you may know, our Paradores are closed during the state of alarm. However, we don't want to leave your side on these days when many of you have to stay home.
We would love to help make the required confinement some more pleasant. This is why we are preparing much content that we hope you will find useful and entertaining. We will be happy to receive suggestions and comments to improve the posts with your ideas.
Every day at 9 a.m., we will post a delicious recipe from Paradores. Those who love to cook will certainly try to do it and maybe some of you will take this opportunity to start cooking, why not? These will be affordable recipes for everyone.
Besides, we will be posting very interesting facts about our art collection which, as you know, has over 9,000 works. We will also be revealing fun facts about our Paradores and will show you how we help preserve nature with examples you can follow without leaving home.
We would love to be useful for you during these extremely difficult times. We will be with you on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn and also here, on our blog. You can follow our hashtags: #CocinaConParadores, #HabitaciónConVistas, #ParadorEsArte or #ParadoresSostenibles.
Please, follow the official recommendations and take care of yourselves.