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10 de February 2015

There's more to Spanish cheeses than classic Manchego: as delicious as the Castilian staple might be, northern Spain is the home of some of Europe's finest quesos.

Take advantage of your upcoming holiday in Spain to discover them in style at the exceptional Paradores' luxury and historic hotels in Cantabria, Asturias and Galicia.

Cantabria's quesos

09 de February 2015

Summer is peak tourist season throughout Europe, so it's no surprise that many consider spring to be the best time to schedule your holiday in Spain. With fewer tourists, great natural sights and pleasant weather, it really is an ideal time to drop by and take in the country's delights.

Paradores' luxury and historic hotels highlight some of the reasons why you might want to consider arranging your travel plans around the fairest of the seasons.

Having Spain to one's self

06 de February 2015

Imagine the sun playfully reflecting off the Mediterranean's deep blue waters as you ride along on your motorcycle, swaying back and forth across roadways hugging an idyllic coastline... now imagine that this ideal vision is a reality, and the basis of your upcoming holiday in Spain! Glorious Cabo de Gata National Park, and the surrounding areas of Almería and Sierra Nevada, are especially suited for an Andalusian trip on two wheels.

05 de February 2015

One of Spain's most charming architectural characteristics is that of its delightful plazas, the grand, wide open squares that have become iconic elements of its major cities. Long a place to hold markets or celebrate festivities, as well as a forum for discussion over the course of a leisurely stroll or a drink in the open-air cafés, Spain's plazas are fundamental to the day to day life within its cities.

04 de February 2015

The scenic Canary Islands are an outdoor-person's dream, with year-round temperate weather, incredibly diverse natural surroundings, and refreshing Atlantic breezes wherever you go. Thanks to their unique landscapes, the islands have activities suited to every particular inclination.

03 de February 2015

It's no secret that Spain is a land of exquisite alcoholic beverages, from its exceptional Rioja, Duero, and Ribera wines, to its fantastic sherries and delectable spirits like aguardiente, patxarán and classic anís. Are you as familiar, however, with its more casual, and popular tipples?

30 de January 2015

If you're looking to do some flamenco dancing while enjoying the best of Andalucía during your upcoming holiday in Spain, make sure it includes a stop in Seville during its annual Feria de Abril. Undoubtedly the city's most famous social event, it gathers thousands of visitors each year during the third week after Holy Week, when from Tuesday to Sunday the city goes wild in a series of designated promenades.

29 de January 2015

Despite being far smaller than Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia or Seville, Santiago de Compostela is one of Spain's most popular tourist destinations. Besides being the end point of the iconic Way of Saint James pilgrimage route, the Galician capital is a veritable north-western wonderland that UNESCO has designated as a World Heritage Site.

28 de January 2015

All work and no play makes a dull fellow out of even the most industrious worker, so why not combine a bit of business with pleasure? With Paradores' luxury and historic hotels getting both done over the course of your holiday in Spain is no problem.

An enormous variety of Paradores hotels are located in close proximity to major international airports, ensuring guests can take working holidays that combine efficiency and the very best of Spain.

27 de January 2015

Make the most of your upcoming holiday in Spain by taking a step back in time with a visit to Ávila, one of Spain's most dramatic, ancient cities, where the medieval past remains vividly present! A stroll through this UNESCO World Heritage City will make you feel as if you're back in the age of knights and nobles.

26 de January 2015

Valentine's Day is coming up - how are you going to make 2015's edition especially memorable? Why not make it completely unforgettable by scheduling a romantic holiday in Spain!

Just imagine escaping to an ancient monastery overlooking a river, a stately palace or a seaside paradise for the special occasion? With Paradores' luxury and historic hotels making Valentine's Day incredible is a breeze.

Serene retreat

22 de January 2015

For about 600 years, the area we now know as Spain was known as Hispania, a proud region of the Roman Empire made up of the provinces of Hispania Citerior and Hispania Ulterior. While the Emperors and Gladiators are long gone, spectacular cities like Cádiz and Mérida are still home to numerous monuments and ruins that recall this glorious, bygone age.

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