
Restaurant of the Parador de Fuente Dé

Cantabrian cuisine in the Picos de Europa Mountains

Restaurant of the Parador de Fuente Dé

Fuente Dé, s/n, 39588, Fuente Dé, Camaleño (Cantabria)
icono telefono +34 942736651
cocido lebaniego en el restaurante del Parador de Fuente Dé

Cantabrian cuisine in the Picos de Europa Mountains

The cuisine of the Liébana region is strong, as is typical of mountain areas. At the Parador, you can enjoy traditional Cantabrian gastronomy with restorative home-cooked dishes such as the popular cocido lebaniego (local stew), its famous cheeses and renowned veal and lamb, without neglecting the fresh fish from the Cantabrian Sea.

Restaurant of the Parador de Fuente Dé

Cocido lebaniego (stew) at the foot of the cable car

In the warm and cosy dining hall of this modern hostel, at the foot of the cable car, you can enjoy delicious dishes such as pickled free-range cockerel salad, sirloin steak with Tresviso cheese, mountain-style cod, fresh squid from the Bay of Biscay, line-caught hake, veal chop or the incomparable anchovies from Laredo.

 restaurante del Parador de Fuente Dé
Carta Parador de Fuente Dé
Carta del Restaurante en el Parador

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