
Restaurant of the Parador de Tortosa

The Mediterranean cuisine of the Ebro area

Restaurant of the Parador de Tortosa

Castillo de la Zuda, s/n, 43500, Tortosa (Tarragona)
icono telefono +34 977444450
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The Mediterranean cuisine of the Ebro area

The cuisine on offer at the Parador de Tortosa is based on local cuisine. The Mediterranean recipes perfectly combine products from the vegetable garden, the Ebro Delta, the mountains and the sea. One of the star products is the rice grown in the Ebro Delta, which is brought to the table in a variety of tasty dishes.

Restaurant of the Parador de Tortosa

The stronghold of Delta rice dishes

In the restaurant’s aristocratic dining room you’ll taste, like a feudal lord, succulent delicacies that are characteristic of this region of Tarragona. Highlights include the tasty rice dishes from the Ebro Delta (tot pelat, black rice, mantis shrimp brothy rice, etc.), its mussels and razor clams, and dishes such as eels in suc, suquet de peix, xató, escalivada with anchovies, Spanish goat sausages and pastisset de Tortosa, an example of a patisserie with flavours from Arab, Jewish and Christian cultures.

imagen restaurante
Carta Parador de Tortosa
Carta del Restaurante en el Parador

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