
Celebrate your event

Life is moments, celebrate them with us

Conventions in unique spaces

Unique places and settings with spaces that have been carefully designed to the last detail in which to hold meetings, congresses, exhibitions, conferences or presentations. We have the best settings: castles, monasteries, palaces, convents or avant-garde buildings. Are you looking for a place on the coast, in the mountains or in the city? What if we also complement it with a spa or golf programme?


A Parador at your disposal

The perfect setting for your meetings. Impressive fortresses on top of medieval villas, peaceful monasteries in the middle of breathtaking natural spaces, avant-garde buildings overlooking the sea... all the Paradors at your service. Tell us what you need and we will help you turn it into the best working day.


Turn your working day into an unforgettable experience

If you are looking for a different place to organise your next business trip or to deal with a company matter, at Paradores we have the solution. Truly singular spaces, in unique settings, with facilities adapted to your needs, with teams experienced in organising all kinds of events, conventions, product presentations and meetings.

Spaces for small and large formats, where up to 1,000 people can gather, or small rooms for private meetings in castles, palaces and avant-garde hotels.

Information and bookings:

For bookings, information and quotations, please contact our events team, they will be delighted to help you:

Tel: 919 078 149

E-mail: [email protected]


Encuentra tu Parador

Parador Casa da Ínsua

3 halls

El complejo fue construido por Luis de Alburquerque de Mello Pereira y Cáceres, Hidalgo de la Casa Real y, más tarde, gobernador y capitán general del Estado de Mato Grosso, en Brasil.…

+351 232 640 110

Parador Castillo de Monterrei

3 halls

Fruto de sucesivas construcciones militares y palaciegas, el Castillo de Monterrei está formado por tres recintos amurallados, donde destacan el Palacio de los Condes, de estilo renacentista, y…

Monterrei (Ourense), Galicia

988 02 92 30

Parador Costa da Morte

0 halls

La integración en el entorno es la seña de identidad del Parador. Su diseño en terrazas pone el foco en el respeto al medioambiente, adaptándose a la orografía natural con dos novedosos ascensores…

Muxía (A Coruña), Galicia

+34 881 16 11 11

Parador de Aiguablava

1 hall


Begur (Girona), Cataluña

+34 972622162

Parador de Alarcón

0 halls

El castillo de Alarcón es una fortaleza de origen probablemente prerromano, que fue ciudadela árabe y, desde 1184, baluarte cristiano. Hoy luce como un edificio gótico, salvo por su renacentista…

Alarcón (Cuenca), Castilla-La Mancha

+34 969330315

Parador de Albacete

7 halls

En el Parador de Albacete el famoso hidalgo seguro que querría disfrutar de una rica comida manchega en el restaurante y descansar de sus hazañas en luminosas…

Albacete, Castilla-La Mancha

+34 967245321
Other events

Solutions for any event

Do you need to organise an event and want to make a difference? Tell us what you need and we'll help make it happen. At Paradores we have a professional team and the ideal surroundings for making your meetings, anniversaries, presentations or conventions a guaranteed success.

Soluciones para cualquier evento
Soluciones para cualquier evento