Menú infantil ParadoresAt Paradores, we love it when our guests bring their children to stay. Because we know just how wonderful the experience can be for them: waking up in a historic bedroom, running along the foot of walls like those inhabited by their imaginary heroes and keeping watch from the top of a tall tower, trying to spot the knights from their adventure story.

When the weather turns cold, at Paradores we get right down to work, preparing the most appetizing dishes for you to enjoy during the autumn months. Our chefs bring back classic recipes for the most traditional stews and other dishes for this season of the year, preparing them using the best local ingredients. At Paradores, we are experts in cold-weather cuisine ... now is your chance to try it. There's no time like the present!

Buscar planes románticos para hacer una escapada de vez en cuando con tu pareja puede convertirse en una tortura, sobre todo si no tienes muy claro qué tipo de escapadas os van o si, por el contrario, tenéis muy claro el lugar del mapa en el que queréis despertaros y en el que buscáis una experiencia que haga inolvidable la escapada. ¿Cómo encontrar ese lugar perfecto?